Ok, after this, I think I'll have it.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Smoking, drinking, dancing, studying and defining. It was a heady mix of madness and sadness as I shuttled between university and hospital. A demanding time.
Five snacks I enjoy in a perfect, non-weight gaining world:
5-carb city...
Five snacks I enjoy in the real world:
Ummm... fewer of the above. Ahem. But certainly fewer croissants.
Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Buy Rhi her yacht AND her castle
Buy a country house in England, an apartment in NY; and a beachfront home somewhere breath-taking and as far away from civilisation as is feasible.
Work infrequently doign something socially rewarding.
Donate to various charities.
Buy an exceptional wardrobe and hire a personal trainer to help me fit into it.
Five jobs that I have had:
Chambermaid - my least favourite position and never being role-played
Waitress - my favourite job - before I got too tired
Bookseller - my least economical job
Shop assistant at a quintessential chocolateboxville shop - bring on the chintz
Editor of a publishing company - where I became infected with tankitis
Five habits:
Picking my forehead - my least favourite trait
Lists - everything seems more manageable with a list for it
Cleaning on a Sunday
Hair-twirling - particularly during intense thought
Five places I have lived:
Not terribly cosmopolitan, but thankfully there's still time.
Though it's now time to head to bed...
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You must be all memed out so I promise not to to tag you for any more in a while. Next up - a real post...
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