Wednesday, 13 August 2008

All I got is my forty

Once again I bow to the wonder of memes to get me back on the road to bloggery. Seeing as I've been struggling to find my way out of the mental work bubble of late, I thought this was a perfect way to clear a path out of the whirlwind of circling fog.

So, to the meme...

The rules are simple: one word answers to 40 questions.

Where is your cell phone? Attic

Your significant other? Liberating

Your hair? Reassuring

Your mother? Barking

Your father? Missed

Your favourite time of day? 22:22

Your dream last night? Troubling

Your favourite drink? H2O

Your dream goal? Contentment

The room you’re in? Vibrant

Your ex? Damaging

Your fear? Death

Where do you want to be in six years? Secure

What are you not? Unrestrained

Your favourite meal? Indulgent

One of your wish list items? Maldives

The last thing you did? Refuel

Where you grew up? Chocolateboxville

What are you wearing? Comfort

Your TV is? Selective

Your pets? Surviving

Your computer? Cherished

Your life? Almost

Your mood? Diluted

Missing someone? Always

Your car? Salvation

Something you’re not wearing? shoes

Favourite store? AP

Your summer? Displaced

Your favourite colour? Oxblood

When is the last time you laughed? Daily

When is the last time you cried? Recently

Your health? Problematic

Your children? Uncertain

Your future? Indefinite

Your beliefs? Non-committal

Young or old? Young

Your image? Varied

Your appearance? Lapsed

Would you live your life over again knowing what you know? No

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we could all say that our appearance is 'lapsed'!