Thursday, 13 March 2008

The wonder of Orange Tic-Tacs

I can't decide which was the most touching moment in the quite simply brilliant Juno. The mailbox full of tictacs or the note to Vanessa. I think I'm going to have to go with the orange mailbox. It's one of those actions which someone does for you that makes you realise quite how much they understand and accept you.
Though flowers are always lovely, and dinner in a fancy restaurant is always acceptable, it's nothing compared to those things which say, I love you for all the weird shit that comes with you too.
Because we're all odd, and we all have weird shit interests – a snapshot of mine being a combination of military fighting vehicles, Nine West shoes and bad action films, preferably at the same time. It's what makes us different, special, and most importantly interesting. So bring me my own geek with their own social oddities over your stud muffin with six pack any day of the week. Except perhaps not with the yellow running shorts and headband. We all have our limits.


Anonymous said...

I loved Juno, for that reason. It made such a change to see a film in which the two leads weren't perfectly tanned, with perfect teeth.
I'd forgotten about the tic-tac moment, though.

Tank Girl said...

It was such a refreshing change. I'm a sucker for Mr Abs Mcconaughey at the worst of times, admittedly, but I really appreciated the reality of it. Especially her dad. "Hey there bigger, puffier version of Juno." Classic.

Ruth said...

I thought it was hilarious when her dad said that too, but if anyone uses it on me, prepare to get hurt...