Tuesday, 25 September 2007

The Days Where Nothing Goes Right TM

I have decided that someone needs to set up a 'The Days Where Nothing Goes Right' service. You know, one of those ones where you call up a number, order what you need and a Very Nice Man on a bike arrives twenty minutes later.
Quite frankly, today has been just one of those days - heel breaks on shoe, no more money in the bank, a nail folds back on itself bleeding everywhere, and to top it off, a trapped nerve in the neck.
Now to all intents and purposes, I really should just go back to bed, forget the day ever happened, and hope tomorrow is better. However, like most of the non-student, child, old people population, I am at work, and therefore unable to demand such luxuries as hiding under a duvet.
Therefore, I think there should be a service directly for days like this. Whether it be replacement shoes in your size to get you home (thankfully I was only halfway out the door) with limited ridicule, impromptu buttons, safety pins and sewing kit for when one pops off your shirt just before you're about to head off to an important meeting, or most importantly chocolate brownies on credit for when you realise you have to live on beans on toast for the next week, along with various other 'Feel Better' food and drink items - crisps, Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut and pistachio nuts are springing to mind at this point.
Combine this with a manicurist (and indeed chiropractor at this rate) and hairdresser on standby, and I feel that days like this could cease to exist, or at least seem far better than they do now!


Rebecca said...

Poor Dave. I hate those days. I had one a few weeks ago, where although it was Tuesday, really it was Monday in disguise. Those are the days when you must buy yourself a treat, even if it is only chocolate to go with the beans on.

Tank Girl said...

I went to the Great British Cheese Festival this weekend. That helped immeasurably, funnily enough.