Monday, 28 April 2008

Friends Like These

Some friends come and go, and though it can hurt at the time, most times you manage, sometimes, harsh as it sounds, even wondering how on earth you had stayed friends in the first place when you added so little to each other.
And then there are those friends you know you would miss as much no matter how much time had passed, who are so important to you that you feel almost as if an actual part of you is missing when they aren't around.
My friend B was back in town just over a week ago, being back properly for the first time since she ran off to a Xmas tree farm with a Red Sox fan, I mean really ;-), and it hit me like a freight train quite how much I had missed the lady living here. I have missed B terribly since she left, and having her back home was a wonderful, wonderful thing.
I only hope that the next time, after the next time, fingers crossed, our schedules won't be quite so ridiculously unhelpful and we'll actually get to spend more than a blink of time together. Here's hoping.

(Wine. Italian. Decent. Pizza, huge. Of course. Shoes, fabulous. As always with B around.)

Friday, 11 April 2008

Teacher's Pet

Seeing as B always has to nag me about such things, I thought I'd be good and pre-empt. And because I'm at a loss for writing anything remotely interesting this week due to brain being mush.

What is your occupation?

The ridiculously long title of Director of Marketing and New Business. For a military history publisher. Hence TG.

What colour are your socks right now?

Black. Even though I'm in bed. It's cold, I forgot to put the heating back on and there's no poor bloke to warm them up on, damnit. I knew they were good for something.

What are you listening to right now?

The rain pelting down outside. Actually there's nothing like being in bed when it's raining outside. Oh and my unfeasibly loud boiler, because well you can't not.

What is the last thing you ate?

Far too much. Roasted peppers and then a stupidly large pizza (thankfully not all of it, I showed my thighs mercy) at good old Pizza Express with the lovely Joey.

Can you drive stick shift?

Of course. I even know what that means. It's proper driving and much more fun.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

I'd be blue, so I could be the sea or the sky.

Last person you spoke to on the phone?

Joey. Bloody A34.

What’s your favourite yoga pose?

Stood up, leg curled behind me, over my head. Stretches everything out.

How old are you today?

About 55.

Favourite drinks?

G&T, champagne, bourbon, water, fresh OJ and Ribena until they took all the nice stuff out.

What is your favourite sport to watch?

Tennis, Gymnastics.

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Put it this way, I'm not entirely sure what my natural hair colour actually is.


A cat, who has actually morphed into a small child. Or a cantankerous old man. Essentially the same thing. He is a lot of sevens.

Favourite cake?

Do Viennese Whirls count?

Last movie you saw?

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Quite simply one of the best films in existence. I dehydrated myself.

Favourite day of the year?

I have no idea. Maybe that day on holiday when you finally switch off and forget what day it actually is.

How do you vent anger?

Directly, forcibly and without compromise. Thankfully only ever verbally and not very often. Apart from that head-patting incident.

What was your favourite toy as a child?

A small white plush lamb, and a yellow teddy bear. I couldn't choose between them.

Autumn or spring?

Spring. The lambs back home are adorable, it's getting warmer, and people smile more. I also eat less! She says...

Hugs or kisses?

Hugs for the most part. I'm not one of those kiss everyone hello and goodbye people. Just someone.

Cherry or blueberry?


Do you want your friends to respond?

I don't think anyone I know blogs apart from B so I'm not sure they can.

Who is most likely to respond?

See above.

Who is most likely not to respond?

See above.

Living arrangements?

An upside down two-floor flat which is a life-saving haven for me, and provides similar sanctuary for some close friends from time to time. It's well-loved.

Last time you cried?

Monday. Sometimes I miss Dad just a bit too much.

What is on the floor of your closet?

Shoes. Filled to the brim. It's a small closet. Ahem.

Who is the friend you’ve had the longest?

Jamie. We were 2. But he lives in Turkey now, and I rarely see him, so Anna, 6.

Favourite smell?

Bleach. I am Monica.

Who or what inspires you?

Memories. Creativity. Colleagues. Travel.

What are you afraid of?

Death. Failure. Poverty. Apathy.



Favourite car?

Maserati Gran Turismo. Sexy as hell.

Number of keys on your key ring?

2. Main door, front door. Secure, but a pain when you're half dressed.

How many years at your current job?

4 months and I'm loving every minute.

Favourite day of the week?

Sunday. Lie-in. Potter. Clean. Papers. Bath. Sofa. Swim. DVD. Sleep. Sigh.

How many countries have you lived in?

Three. So far.

Dream job?

The one I do now, except in NY or Sydney.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

The Joy of Mex

One of the things I missed most on my return from living in NYC (aside from the half-price shoes, affordable mani/pedi and Central Park of course - shallow, moi?!) was the absolute dearth of Mexican fare in my home town.
Being a vegetarian, Mexican food is one of life's greatest gifts. What other cuisine covers the vital veggie lifesavers of cheese, bread, salad, avocado, tomatoes, chips and chocolate and combines it all into one meal? What is there not to like? And don't even get me started on the magic that is a margarita...
Yet, for all its availability in Manhattan, such wonders have eluded me here (though some may say my thighs have been eternally grateful) and I have made do with trips Stateside to get my fix. Until now.
Now, all of a sudden, you can barely move for burritos. New restaurants Giraffe, Mission Burrito, Las Iguanas and Nandos have landed in Italian Bistro Central and shaken their maracas all over the shop. It's almost as if they all bought the same market research report "University towns want more South American food". Franchise city though it may be, I'm lovin' it. Kid in a candy store me.
Though of course now I have to explain this all-important news to my thighs, and hope they understand when it means yet more swimming, squash and even more of that dreaded, detestable exercise bike. I wonder, will they ever forgive me?

(Beverage: Pomegranate Green Tea. Antioxidant concession to last night's very much not. Shoes: Black patent heels. Vague attempt to combat the puce.)