Monday, 28 January 2008

Captain Jack brought me back

Heck it's been a while since I picked up the virtual pen and blogged anything. Getting a new job meant no more internet access for free time frivolity, so now that's been sorted (just need the laptop fixing now... doh...) and to give in to Becky's nagging (very nice-looking new blog home I must say), I'm back wibbling on.
To celebrate the appearance of Captain John to our TV screens. Torchwood, the spin-off from Doctor Who and starring Captain Jack as lead, has always been a bit hit and miss for me. Some episodes were fantastic, some fell a little flat.
However, all this changed with the introduction of James Marsters playing Captain John, one of Captain Jack's old adversaries, and indeed lovers. Which basically leads to a fantastic series of punch-ups, staring competitions and some snogging for good measure (imagine Angel and Spike if they were suddenly overcome with lust for each other). Captain John is basically a revisitation of James Marster's Spike, but when someone does something so well, why not?
For a taster see here
and if you can still download it on BBC's iPlayer, do.
It's a great piece of television, and reminds me why science fiction is quite such a good thing.
If only Captain John could have stayed a bit longer - much like Stephen Fry in tv series Bones. I guess they had bigger fish to fry. For Mr Masters it seems a singing career is next on the list. He's playing at a mate's club in April, so I may well go. If only to see Spike sing... (I'm sure for Mr Fry, world domination is the big fish. For which I am most grateful.)